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Our additional training / counselling services aim at improving
Career Development Skills and Life Design Skills

These sessions includes (but not limited to) any one or multiple of the following modules:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is there affordable career counselling near me in Kolkata?

Where can I find the best career counselling in Kolkata?

How can career counselling benefit students in Kolkata?

Can career counselling in Kolkata assist professionals looking to advance in their careers?

Are there career counselling options for freshers and job seekers in Kolkata?

What makes us the top choice for career guidance in Kolkata?

Where can I find a reliable career counsellor in Kolkata?

How does career counselling benefit women in Kolkata?

What role does career planning play in career development in Kolkata?

Can I access career guidance services in Kolkata online?

Contact Us


Center for Career and Life Design Counselling Piyali Apartment 1st Floor, (Near Ruby Hospital / Avishikta-1 Housing Complex)
538, Mandirpara Rd, Kolkata 700078

View on Maps


We will be happy to assist you. Please Call or WhatsApp us, we will work with you, not for you.




We will be happy to assist you. Please mail us, I will work with you, not for you.